Living in a gated community or a township? Here’s how to stay safe amidst COVID 19!

Quarantine Facilities for communities against COVID 19

With the COVID 19 pandemic showing no signs of slowing down and governments easing lockdown restrictions, the number of cases is sky rocketing, filling up hospitals. 

Hospitals across states are asking patients with mild symptoms to home quarantine themselves and stay isolated. 

But this poses a risk for other family members who stay in the same house. Staying at hospitals is also risky for people with mild patients, who could get further infected due to the over crowded spaces, apart from it being uncomfortable. 

Home quarantine is even riskier when the patient lives in a gated community, or is part of a large society or township. The family members close to him could get infected and can in turn, infect others through public areas such as lifts, gates and so on.

Volta Green Structures, a pioneer in steel construction industry, having completed over 100 projects across the globe, has come up with the ideal solution. 

We’ve developed isolation wards & quarantine facilities with modular steel, which can be easily installed within the premises of the gated community/society or township. These models occupy very little space and can be installed in any free area or terrace within the premises. 

These models follow all social distancing protocols and are completely safe to use. When a COVID patient is housed in these structures, he/she would be completely isolated. Plus, when they stay within the community, closer to home, it would also feel more comfortable and safer. 

Each community can get these structures installed, anywhere across India. Post their requirement, they can be remodelled into libraries, office spaces and so on, since the material used is completely recyclable. 

If you’re a part of a community or a society and want to protect your family and others’ against the surging pandemic with our isolation wards, reach out to us now, by filling the form below.